




这 microfilm edition consists of the papers of Elbridge Gerry, drawn from various og体育官网 at the 马萨诸塞州历史学会, as well as papers of 托马斯·R. Gerry, Samuel Russell, Samuel Russell Gerry, 小塞缪尔·罗素·格里.


Elbridge Gerry (1744-1814) had a long 和 distinguished career as a statesman. 他是个手语手 of the Declaration of Independence 和 the Articles of Confederation 和 a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, though he did not support the finished document. 当选国会议员 in 1789, he was later sent as an emissary to Revolutionary France, where he was a central figure 在XYZ事件中. He served as governor of Massachusetts for two terms, 1810-1811, as vice 1813年詹姆斯·麦迪逊任总统直至去世.


The bulk of this microfilm edition consists of the various Elbridge Gerry og体育官网 held by the 马萨诸塞州历史学会, as well as relevant 格里的论文 from other manuscript og体育官网, which are inserted into the chronological sequence of correspondence on the first 5卷. The og体育官网 from which these additions are drawn are identified on the film.

微缩胶卷中还包括格里的儿子托马斯. Gerry (1794-1845); navigation books kept in 1706 和 1710 by Samuel Russell (1687-1725); 和 the papers of Samuel Russell 格里(1750-1807)和小塞缪尔·罗素·格里. (b. ca. 1784).


弗朗西斯·格里·基恩的礼物,2月. 1917; Albert Gallatin, New York, N.Y.1月. 1962; Mrs. 威廉·W. Hoppin,纽约,n.n.Y.2月. 1962; 威廉Gerry Keene, 4月. 1964; 和 Russell W. 骑士,4月. 1965年、1966年、1967年、3月. 1979.


第五卷的埃尔布里奇·格里信笺已被出版为 Elbridge 格里的书信:巴黎,1797-1798 (Salem,质量.(1966),由罗素W. 骑士.

Black 和 white digital images of this collection--produced from the microfilm edition--are 可作为 历史宝库:革命战争和早期 美国,一个来自ProQuest的数字资源. 此资源可通过订阅获得 libraries; speak og体育官网你当地的图书管理员,以确定你的图书馆是否有访问权限. 卫生部也 provides access onsite to the Society's contributions to this resource; see a reference 查询更多资料.

格里-奈特论文的数字副本II (Ms. N-1285)和双桅帆船的计程仪 祝福 (Ms. N-1278)可在 生活在 海是Adam Matthew digital, Inc .的数字出版物. 这个数字资源是 available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library 访问. MHS制作了这个资源 available onsite; see a reference librarian for more 信息.


埃尔布里奇·格里通信, 1744-1895


电话号码:. N-1278; Ms. N-1279; Ms. N-1284; 和 items from other og体育官网.

The bulk of the Elbridge 格里的论文 consists of personal 和 professional correspondence. 在 many correspondents are James Warren, Mercy Otis Warren, James Sullivan, Thomas Jefferson, 约翰·亚当斯, Samuel Adams, Tristram Dalton, Joseph Trumbull, 威廉Gordon, Francis 戴娜,詹姆斯·洛弗尔,约翰·温德尔和约瑟夫·霍利. 主题包括:天花疫情在 Boston (1774), campaigns of the Revolutionary War, reaction to the British blockade of Boston, shipments of supplies for the 美国n forces 和 the payment of soldiers, the conduct 和 promotion of officers, the conditions of Revolutionary War hospitals, Gen. 约翰·伯戈因的 surrender at Saratoga, the Treaty of Paris, Massachusetts 和 national politics, the early financial troubles of the United States, debates on the Constitution, the war with France 和 Gerry's diplomatic mission to Paris, the Jefferson 和 Madison administrations, the Louisiana 购买和1812年战争. 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦的信中提到了她的历史 研究和写作,以及个人事务.

家庭通讯员包括格里的兄弟小托马斯·格里. (b. 1735)和塞缪尔 罗素·格里(1750-1807). Gerry's letters to his wife Ann Thompson Gerry (1766-1849), his son 小埃尔布里奇·格里. (1793-1867)和他的女儿安(1791-ca.1884)和伊丽莎(1791-1882) describe social life in 华盛顿 during his term as vice president 和 contain news about 1812年战争. 其中包括格里的父亲,商人托马斯·格里的文件. 1774) of 马布尔黑德,质量.

1812 - 3月. 1822
4月. 1822-1895

埃尔布里奇·格里的书信, 1797-1801

电话号码:Ms. 作为- 187.

这本书信本由埃尔布里奇·格里在担任美国陆军参谋长期间保存.S. 驻法国公使 1797-1798. 信 his wife Ann Thompson Gerry 和 daughters Ann 和 Eliza discuss his journey to Paris, the health of various family members, the negotiations of Gerry, John 马歇尔和查尔斯C. 平克尼会见法国外长塔列朗. 信 Presidents 约翰·亚当斯 和 Thomas Jefferson, 1798-1801, apparently transcribed into the book by Gerry's daughter Ann, concern the XYZ affair 和 the ensuing war with France.


托马斯·R. 格里的论文, 1768-1853

电话号码:Ms. N-1285.

这些文件主要是由托马斯·R. 格里(1794 - 1845), detailing his service as a midshipman in the United States Navy onboard the frigates 国会, 星座, 约翰·亚当斯; the sloop 伊利; 和 the ship 塔特. 文件包括有关出生的家庭信件, deaths, marriages, travels, occasional comments on contemporary political figures 和 问题.

格里-奈特论文的数字副本II (Ms. N-1285)可在 海上生活是Adam Matthew digital, Inc .的数字出版物. 这 digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to 确定您的库是否具有访问权限. MHS制作了这个资源 available onsite; see a 更多信息请参考图书管理员.


塞缪尔·罗素·格里和小塞缪尔·罗素·格里. 论文, 1756-1895

电话号码:Ms. N-1281.

马萨诸塞州马布尔黑德的这些报纸.商人塞缪尔·罗素·格里(1750-1807)和他的儿子 小塞缪尔·罗素·格里. (b. ca.(1784)包含与…有关的信件和商业账目 trade with Bilbao, Spain, Batavia (Jakarta), Indonesia, other ports. 在 correspondents are various merchants, agents, other individuals, including Joseph Gardoqui & 儿子,管家 & Mathews, Philadelphia merchant Joshua Howell, Boston merchant Samuel 帕克曼,约翰·罗斯·格林,还有凯瑟琳·格里. 论文包括小塞缪尔·罗素·格里.'s orders 和 letters from Isaac Hull while serving as sailing master in Portl和, Maine; family 和 business correspondence of Elbridge Gerry 和 Thomas Gerry; 和 correspondence of the 马萨诸塞州林恩的威廉·格里·基恩一家., 1884-1895.


塞缪尔·罗素航海书, 1706, 1710

电话号码:Ms. N-1278.

These illustrated notebooks were kept by Samuel Russell (1687-1725) 和 describe various 航行和导航问题.

双桅帆船航海日志的数字副本 祝福 (Ms. N-1278)可在 海上生活的数字出版物 Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. 这个数字资源是 available at subscribing libraries; speak og体育官网你当地的图书管理员,以确定你的图书馆是否有访问权限. MHS制作了这个资源 available onsite; see a 更多信息请参考图书管理员.


塞缪尔·罗素·格里·莱杰, 1769-1802

电话号码:Ms. N-1282.

这 account ledger, kept by Samuel 罗素·格里(1750-1807), details his personal 和 业务事务.


塞缪尔·罗素·格里日记, 1769-1791

电话号码:Ms. N-1282.

这 account journal, kept by Samuel 罗素·格里(1750-1807), details his personal 和 业务事务.


小塞缪尔·罗素·格里.、账簿; 1820-1828

电话号码:Ms. N-1282.

这本小塞缪尔·罗素·格里的账簿. (b. ca.1784)包括他的发票 担任禁闭室的船长 华盛顿查尔斯 & 艾伦.


小塞缪尔·罗素·格里.letterbook, 1831-1843

电话号码:Ms. N-1282.

这是小塞缪尔·罗素·格里的书信. (b. ca.1784)包含他的信件副本 wrote from Batavia (Jakarta) to various Massachusetts merchants concerning the sale of their 货物,以及他从马萨诸塞州马布尔黑德写的信.对其他商人和船长, 包括上校. 威廉G. Blackler (1803 - 1880).



Microfilm edition of the Elbridge 格里的论文, 马萨诸塞州历史学会.


这个og体育官网在下列标题下进行索引 阿比盖尔这是马萨诸塞州历史学会的在线目录. 研究人员 desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog 使用这些标题.


格里,塞缪尔·罗素,b. ca. 1784.
格里,托马斯,d. 1774.
格里,托马斯,b. 1735.
格里,托马斯·R., 1794-1845.


家族史,1700 - 1749.
家族史,1750 - 1799.
家族史,1800 - 1849.
家族史,1850 - 1899.